1031 Exchange
Use this strategic legal method for acquiring or selling “like-kind” or qualified properties in order to defer capital gains tax.


1031 Exchange

How to Begin:

1.When you list your property with your agent, be sure to disclose your intent to do a 1031 Exchange in the listing agreement

  • Request buyer’s cooperation in the exchange

2. Search for your new Replacement property

  • Identify the new property within 45 days from the closing on the sale of your Relinquished Property (Day one starts on the day after escrow closes)
  • Request seller cooperation in the exchange in your purchase agreement

3. Open escrow on the property you are selling and contact us to open your exchange:

  • Provide us with a copy of the purchase agreement between you and your buyer
  • Provide us with a copy of the preliminary title report/title commitment

4.Submit 45-day Identification form

  • Submit your identified replacement property selection on our identification form that will be provided
    to you
  • Identification is limited to three (3) properties of any value; or any number of properties over three
    whose combined fair market value does not exceed 200% of the gross sales price of the property(ies) you sold; or any number of properties of any value providing that 95% of the value of the properties identified are actually acquired.

5. Notify your exchange coordinator as soon as you open escrow on your new replacement property

  • You must close escrow no later than 180 days following the close of escrow on the relinquished property. Remember: File your tax return (for the year in which you sell the relinquished property) after you close escrow on the replacement property. (You will need t file an extension if your replacement Property escrow closes after April 15th



We’ve saved our clients literally tens of millions of dollars in taxes. On average we reduce our clients’ tax obligations by 46%. Take action below and learn how much we can save you.

Calculate Your Capital Gains Tax Liability

Use our calculator to determine how much you will owe on your transaction.

Schedule a Tax Reduction Strategy Session

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